Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pictures Are Worth Several Thousand Words

You know how sometimes you get so busy that, even though you want to document things, the busy-ness is about all you can get around to? I know that feeling too. As much as I would love to talk about each and every new pattern I've used in the past few months, here are photos of the finished products:

The patterns from Pattern Anthology's Unbiased Collection:
Tote bag for a geeky Christmas craft swap
No pattern used
Mommy and me, me, me, and me Star Wars shirts
Ladies' Pocket Tee for me and Treasure Pocket Tee for each of the kids
Major Wedding Dress Alteration
I'll actually blog this one later, but a majority of the time was spent working on this beauty.
Nativity Costumes
Simplicity patterns 4795, 4213, 4797  I was called on at the last minute to make the costume for Mary and Joseph, so I have half made kids' costumes and they went in bath robes.
Miscellaneous Kid Stuff 
Top, left to right: Slouchy Cardigans for the two girls, Quick Crew shirt with Wreck-It Ralph panel
Bottom, left to right: Pretty Panel Dress, Panel Pocket Tee, Flyaway Ruffle Cardigan
Family Pictures:
Julia Cardigan
Not Pictured:
Hooded tee for The Hubs, another Pretty Panel Dress for Pink Blur, nine infinity scarves.

I think that about covers it. All together that makes twelve shirts, nine scarves, four cardigans, three finished costumes (plus five more cut and partially sewn), two dresses, one bag, and a big wedding dress alteration. Not bad for two and a half months. I've also been working on weight loss and that's been going really well. The family picture above is somewhere between 20-25 lbs down. Woohoo!