The patterns from Pattern Anthology's Unbiased Collection:
Adora |
Gwen |
Diamond |
Denver |
Tote bag for a geeky Christmas craft swap
No pattern used |
Mommy and me, me, me, and me Star Wars shirts
Ladies' Pocket Tee for me and Treasure Pocket Tee for each of the kids |
Major Wedding Dress Alteration
I'll actually blog this one later, but a majority of the time was spent working on this beauty. |
Nativity Costumes
Simplicity patterns 4795, 4213, 4797 I was called on at the last minute to make the costume for Mary and Joseph, so I have half made kids' costumes and they went in bath robes. |
Miscellaneous Kid Stuff
Top, left to right: Slouchy Cardigans for the two girls, Quick Crew shirt with Wreck-It Ralph panel Bottom, left to right: Pretty Panel Dress, Panel Pocket Tee, Flyaway Ruffle Cardigan |
Family Pictures:
Julia Cardigan |
Hooded tee for The Hubs, another Pretty Panel Dress for Pink Blur, nine infinity scarves.
I think that about covers it. All together that makes twelve shirts, nine scarves, four cardigans, three finished costumes (plus five more cut and partially sewn), two dresses, one bag, and a big wedding dress alteration. Not bad for two and a half months. I've also been working on weight loss and that's been going really well. The family picture above is somewhere between 20-25 lbs down. Woohoo!