I have once again entered the kids in the Freedom Festival Baby Contest. This was my first year bringing along a boy.
Last year we were building the house and my parents took the Pink Blur. I'd signed up and paid the money before I knew I wouldn't be able to make it there. This year I was able to take her and Q-ball myself.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540817_10151040053386558_1572962652_n.jpg) |
I think she's not a fan of contests, but she DOES love the costume. |
Pink Blur went as Wonder Woman. I used a swimsuit pattern and added a circle skirt at the waist. The stars, belt, and Wonder Woman logo were attached with WonderUnder. I had originally planned to do a satin stitch around the outside edges and on the detail for the logo. That plan changed when I remembered I would be doing a satin stitch on knit. Umm...no thanks. For the detail on the logo I used my super skills of a ruler and a Sharpie to get the straight lines. Easy cheesy. I ran out of time to make boot covers and figured those were less important than the rest.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380701_10151045399331558_725911743_n.jpg) |
And now you know my last name. :) |
Q-ball went in a flight suit I made for him from an old t-shirt Then Hubs doesn't wear anymore. The hat came from pant trimmings from Air Forces blues. I added the silver ribbon because silver piping on your Air Force hat basically means you're in charge. The combat boot socks were a hilarious online purchase, as well as the little pilot glasses. The name tape and wings were scavenged from The Hubs's old uniforms. He got second place in the age category and first place in the costume category. He was the
only entrant for costumes in boys his age and one of two entrants in the general age category. A kid can't win first in more than one category, so he won his first and second place awards by default. I'll take it. :) All my kids are pretty stinkin' cute no matter what.
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