Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Fresh Challenge--Day One

I've been blogging a little more frequently (blogging at all is more frequent than it was) and I've been enjoying it.  I've been enjoying it so much, in fact, that I decided to issue myself a little challenge: themed blogging every day for the next four weeks.  It's a tall order, but I feel good about the themes I've chosen. There's one for every day of the week and it gives enough of a variety that I'll be able to see what sort of topic I have the most fun with.  I'm looking forward to it.
Posts should always have pictures.  Here are random selections.  This is my sixth grade class picture. I'm in the red dress.
Move It Monday--This is a place to introduce new goals, projects, and stuff like that.  A goal isn't a goal until you write it down, right?  Make a goal and get a move on it!

Ta-da! Tuesday--Show off finished projects!  It's a follow up to Move It Monday.

Wowzers Wednesday--Accomplishments, confessional (I'm all about honesty, even if it embarrasses me...), or anything else I find really cool.

Thankful Thursday--Happy people are grateful people.  When you look for happy things, you will find them.

Family Friday--Ideas for family togetherness or things my family has been enjoying.

Service Saturday--Helping others in various ways.

Sacred Sunday--Food for the soul.  Sunday IS sacred to me, so I'll write these on Saturdays.  :)
The day the Hubs and I got engaged, sitting at the same table where we had our first date.  The restaurant has since been demolished.  :( I up for it?  I guess we'll see.  Anyone want to join me?  It's always fun to have friends join in.
Me and my best girls at our Senior Ball.  We all made our dresses.  We're awesome that way.
I'll jump right in and do the first Wowzers Wednesday.  They won't all be like this one, but everything here was so connected.

Accomplishment: I was fully dressed (including a bra) and had my hair done this morning before taking Blue Eyes to school.

Confession:  I got myself all ready so I could blog it.  I'm usually in a set of grubbies with the last remnants of yesterday's makeup.

Cool thing:  Urban Decay All-Nighter Makeup setting spray.  It keeps my makeup on for sooo much longer.  I still look like a living person by the time the Hubs gets home from work.

My girls liked wearing Pull-Ups as helmets while Blue Eyes was potty training.
Do you guys have any other ideas for the challenge?  Things you would change?  Feel free to add your Wowzers Wednesdays stuff in the comments.  And I hope you enjoyed the random picture collection.

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